Sprouting for birds
bird nutrition

How To Safely Sprout For Bird's While Improving Their Health

Sprouts are nutritional powerhouses and hold an important place in your birds diet, if you
Calming bird tea for parrots
avibios bird probiotics

What's in UnRuffledRx Calming Bird Tea and How It Helps Your Bird?

Our Calming Bird Tea is chock full of adaptogen herbs that supports a calm mood and other
Bird respiratory problems
adopting a parrot

Parrot Respiratory System - What does it mean if a bird is panting?

Is your bird breathing heavily?  Maybe you hear a clicking sound when it breaths or you se
How to keep a bird cool in the summer
do birds get hot in the summer

How Do I Keep My Bird Cool In The Summer

Parrot's love going outside in the summer, but you have to play it safe! Birds can overhea
bird cbd
anxiety in parrots

Natural Solutions for parrot anxiety

Revised May 21, 2022 Parrot anxiety is a real issue for many "parronts" So, what can you
African Grey
african grey food

African Grey Food Pellet

All parrot's have unique nutritional needs and African Grey Parrots are no different.  Fin
D-R-O-P Approach for Bird Burns
adopting a parrot

D-R-O-P Approach for Bird Burns

A common parrot accident is bird burns.  Painful liquid, chemical & electric burns req
caring for a parrot

The Parrot Care Quiz #2

Can you pass our Parrot Care Quiz? Learn 10 essential parrot care practices to keep you pe
choosing a parrot

Planful Parronting: Parrot Care Quiz

Parrots are great pets but parrot care is time-consuming and expensive.  Do you have what